Monthly Archives: May 2019

San Diego Air Conditioning Service

Working up a sweat is a great thing to do in a gym around San Diego, but not in your vehicle. When San Diego residents' vehicle AC Systems have a problem, they'll often feel it right away. The question is, how long do you put up with it? You know, the old comfort versus cost dilemma. But a more comfortable drive around CA has a lot of benefits, and keeping the AC System well maintained can help prevent repairs.A common cause of AC failure is water and air in the system. The system does not work as well with air in it. And water can cause rust that leads to damage of the A/C components. Also refrigerant, the stuff that makes the air cold, can leak out, reducing the efficiency of the system and making it work harder to try to cool the air. That is why periodically evacuating the air conditioning system and recharging it keeps the proper amount of clean refrigerant in the system for San Diego residents, so it cools better and lasts longer.San Diego drivers should also ... read more


Air Conditioning

Automotive Tips from Pacific Highway Auto Repair: Battery Testing

The simple fact is that 70% of car batteries fail within 4 years. They just need to be replaced at Pacific Highway Auto Repair when they are no longer able to hold a full charge.Batteries are a big ticket item for most San Diego drivers and it’s tempting to put off buying a new one as long as possible. But a battery that cannot hold a full charge requires the alternator to work extra hard, causing it to wear out prematurely.Your Pacific Highway Auto Repair service advisor can test your battery to see if it should be replaced. Testing is a good idea for CA drivers because a battery might still be good, but become dead because of a bad alternator or even a worn serpentine belt and tensioner. Pacific Highway Auto Repair4306 Pacific HighwaySan Diego, CA 92110619-299-7700  



Service Center Standard and Procedures

All CA pilots have checklists for every aspect of flying. They always use their checklists even if they only have two steps on them. They do this simply because a checklist is a great way to not forget steps. It is also how they can assure a predictable outcome. That is why San Diego automotive service centers including Pacific Highway Auto Repair have procedural standards for each service they perform. Pacific Highway Auto Repair technicians are trained step by step. And they perform the procedures step by step, the same way each time. By training to procedural standards, CA service centers can assure a quality outcome. The job is done right every time and San Diego customers leave happy with how their vehicle performs. Each company trains its technicians to standards. The CA automotive industry as a whole is very committed to standards of excellence and encourages individual CA service center operators to apply them to every vehicle they service. An exa ... read more

Deep Clean Your Fuel System at Pacific Highway Auto Repair

Having trouble with your fuel system? Bring your vehicle into Pacific Highway Auto Repair for a check up.In today's Pacific Highway Auto Repair auto post,we're talking about fuel system cleaning. The first thing to know is how important it is to have a clean fuel system. San Diego residents need fuel to go, and the cleaner the fuel system, the more efficiently the fuel will burn. That means more power and better mileage .A clean fuel system saves money for San Diego drivers at CA gas stations. We guess you could say it all starts and ends at the pump. One of the most important things San Diego residents can do to keep their vehicle fuel system clean is to buy good quality gas. Major brands have detergents that keep gum and varnish from rapidly building up in the fuel system.So buying cheaper gas in CA can actually be more expensive for San Diego drivers in the long run. Now, most cars on CA roads are more than five or six years old. That means they've had time for ... read more


Fuel System